Persona Mix  

Citizen Journalism

Guerilla journalism in collaborative media format
by nationalist citizens vying for inclusive change.

Citizen Journalism

Build Your Nation

TYCOON STUDIO welcomes contributions from its subscribers and the world-wide community, in the form of analysis oriented radio episodes, commentary, opinion pieces, article series, news reports and other curated media content (info-graphics etc.) that is relevant to our society, state, country and world at large.

Articles should meet the criteria and style guide provided as below –

Article Criteria

  1.  Articles should address issues in the fields of politics, society, culture or economy; or raise awareness about a relevant topic or historical incidents from where we can learn and better ourselves.
  2. Articles should be original (authored by the sender) and free of any copyright restrictions.
  3. We prefer submissions be made exclusive to TYCOON.STUDIO and they can be hosted on personal blogs after a week of its publishing on TYCOON STUDIO.
  4. In case the article authored by you has already been published elsewhere, please provide those details.
  5. Articles should be between 300 to 1500 words. A series of articles on the same topic are also welcome.
  6. If the article is a curated news report, please cite original sources. Ideally, the curation should provide additional analysis and commentary on the original report.
  7. The argument should be made concisely, without resorting to personal or ad- hominem attacks against an individual or organization.
  8. Please do a thorough fact-check and cite all data and quotes in the article. Writers will be liable for their articles.
  9. Please include as many relevant citations, image source etc as required to avoid any kind of legal complexities arising thereof.

 Please contact us through our website and send your work exclusively in electronic format (word file) by email – no PDF or any other format like HTML etc is acceptable since it makes the publishing job technically complex and all the more difficult.

The final decision regarding publication of the article rests with our editorial team. Articles might be edited before being published.

Style guide:     

  1.  We host articles written in English, Bengali or Hindi.
  2. Please check grammar and spelling before submission.
  3. An abbreviation must be expanded at its first occurrence.
  4. While quoting from a source, identify the source clearly and also provide a hyperlink if the source is available online.
  5. Self hosted videos or embedded format video from 3rd party sources like Vimeo, YouTube or images can be used in jpeg, png or gif formats and free of any copyright restrictions. If no image is provided with the article, we will tag an image relevant to the article in consultation with the original author.
  6. Provide appropriate captions for tables, graphs and images
  7. Organize the article into logical sections/paragraphs.

Author Information

TYCOON.STUDIO as a media narrative platform strives to awaken consciousness, political bias along with other character traits that helps build a strong nation hence we always encourage author information/profile to be included in our content as a internal and integral editorial policy, hence you are encouraged to include a small write up about yourself.

  • If you wish not to showcase your original picture, alternatively you may upload your Gravatar (Globally Recognized Avatar) on the site (use the same email id to register here as the one you provided to TYCOON.STUDIO)

  • Please send a 2-line introductory bio with your first submission, as we encourage author profiles to be included in the same content.
If you wish to remain anonymous, your article will be published under ‘Guest Author’


Opinions expressed within articles are the personal opinions of the author. TYCOON.STUDIO will not be responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information, or assume any responsibility or liability for the same.

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