Social Authors
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Social Authors - Influence Your Community
No denying that along with the advancement in consumer facing tech, especially the modes of communication domain has become tremendously evolved in the recent past and as the world moved on to the data independent economy Social Media boomed into our lives starting 2005 and now it has become a social and cultural institution.
Tycon Studio grabs this opportunity for the cause of nation building !
We offer a junk free curated social media platform for intellectual content sharing
- Post originally created cerebral content
- Create Interest Specific Groups and include members
- Influence your community with historical data
- Write about social issues
- Include supporting video, imagery with your post
225 Million Active Digital Audio Listeners in USA
Music as Product CAGR 8.2%
Digital Music Segment Exceed USD $ 16.58 Billion in 2023
Projected USD $ 1 Billion Podcast Revenue in 2023 in USA
As a Tycoon Studio social member, you are invited to be part of a silent revolution that is engaged in transforming the social narrative for the betterment of society and nation at large, towards making India the undisputed leader in the new world order.